10 Meaningful Gifts for Kids

Looking for a unique, meaningful gift for kids that stands out from typical toys? Here are 10 toys with rich histories that do just that by transporting kids to the vibrant worlds of the past.

Plagona Dolls

The Plagona doll was one of several beloved dolls in ancient Greece. It is believed to be one of the world’s oldest toys, with archaeological discoveries dating back to 700 B.C. The Plagona Doll above from Remembered Toys features distinct designs that reflect the artistry of ancient Greek traditions, showcasing the unique patterns and craftsmanship of that era.

Kokeshi Dolls

Kokeshi dolls are another meaningful gift for kids from ancient times. Their origins can be traced back to Japan's Tohoku region during the Edo Period (1603-1868). They are believed to have been initially crafted by local woodworkers as souvenirs for visitors to the region's famous hot springs. What began as a modest way to earn extra income from these visitors quickly evolved into a popular and coveted keepsake. 

Rocking Horses

The domestication of the horse some 5,000 years ago was a major turning point in human history. People were suddenly able to travel long distances, spreading their languages and culture along the way. Not long after discovering the horse's potential, people began fashioning figurines in their likeness. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans carved and molded horse figurines and pull toys. During the Middle Ages, children played with  hobby horses, which consisted of a stick with a horse head at one end and oftentimes a wheel on the other. 

The rocking horse is believed to have debuted during the 17th century. Just as real horses had become symbols of wealth and social position, so did early rocking horses as they were made for the children of aristocratic families. The oldest known rocking horse was believed to be owned by King Charles I, who was a child during the early 1600s. Playing with a rocking horse can connect kids to ancient times by connecting them to a long tradition of equestrian-themed toys and the cultural significance of horses throughout history.

Spinning Tops

Spinning tops, like these from Remembered Toys, have a rich history, appearing everywhere from King Tut’s tomb to ancient Greek writings. While their exact origins remain unknown, the oldest evidence dates back to 4,000 B.C. in Iraq. Their timeless charm comes from their simplicity—just a twist of the fingers makes them spin, defying gravity and sparking imagination with a seemingly endless variety of games to play from bowling to knockout challenges.


Contrary to popular belief, the boomerang did not originate in Australia. Historical traces of boomerangs have been found throughout the world - even ancient Egypt. They are considered by many to be the earliest "heavier-than-air" flying machines invented. Australian Aboriginal boomerangs have been found as old as ten thousand years old, but older hunting boomerangs have been discovered throughout Europe.


The earliest evidence of the game of checkers dates back to 3,000 B.C. from the city-state of Ur, which is now located in present day Iraq. However, the game played in Ur did not have the same format as modern-day checkers. Evidence of a similar version of that game in ancient Egypt dates back to 1400 B.C. After that, well-known Greek figures such as Plato and Homer mentioned a game called Petteia, an Egyptian-based board game often played with pebbles. 

Snakes & Ladders

Many board games originated in ancient India, including Snakes and Ladders, which dates back to the 2nd century. The game of luck was used as a way to teach moral lessons with ladders signifying virtue (sattva) while snakes represented misdeeds (tama). Good deeds take players to 100, which symbolizes moksha or salvation, while the bad result in rebirth as a lower life form. English imperialism brought the game to Europe toward the end of the 19th century. In 1943, the game was introduced in the United States as Chutes and Ladders by Milton Bradley.


Okiagari may be simple, but they are meaningful gifts for kids, made in Japan since the 14th century. They represent resilience, as they get right back up after being knocked down. Embodying the spirit of the Japanese proverb "Nana korobi ya oki" (fall seven times, rise eight), such stories add meaning to children’s play, inspiring curiosity about the diverse traditions and histories that shape our world.

Bamboo Dragonfly

Before becoming known as one of the most influential figures in modern aeronautics, Britain's Sir George Cayley studied the bamboo dragonfly. In fact, throughout much of his life during the 1800s, he was fascinated by it. Chinese children had been playing with the fairly simple, yet innovative toy since 500 BC. There are two versions of this toy, both dating back to ancient China. The one above flies in the air after rotating the stick between your palms. Others require wrapping a string around the stick, drawing it through a hole drilled in a small container and pulling quickly.

Give Meaningful Gifts to Kids

Connect kids to the past and inspire them to explore the rich stories and groundbreaking innovations that have shaped our world with historic toys like these from Remembered Toys.


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